龙途 管理员
中文名(CN) 秋子 
外文名(FLN) Akiko 
花型 重瓣 
花色(Color) 白色 
高度 40-50 
产地 荷兰 
培育者(Breeder) Miyaki 


Around half of March, when the Amaryllises are blooming in their greenhouses, the Amaryllis growers have their open days. All customers are invited for a visit to come and see their varieties in full bloom. When you enter the greenhouse of the Van Velden brothers, on the Tomato Lane, your eye immediately is drawn to this snow white double flowered Amaryllis. What is this Kees? Akiko…isn’t she beautiful, comes from Japan. Do you have bulbs available? Neh… first want to grow a little stock. This is how it went for many years. But luckily everything comes to an end, so also the ‘no’ of Kees. Kees is a good grower and within a couple of year he managed to grow a descent stock out of the one bulb he bought for a lot of money from the Japanese Amaryllis breeder Miyaki. It is not only the crisp white colour and the nice Japanese girls name Akiko that I like about this Amaryllis, she is just a great Amaryllis to grow in a pot, just plain perfect.


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